Por orden, Ángela, Paula, Irene, Celia, Elvira y Estrella. Estas son mis nietas, a las que con todo cariño dedico este blog.

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


Granada: located in the east of Andalusia, between Almería and Jaén.

Do you want to know the past of our history and civilization?

The firs picture

Argar culture, archaeological site of Galera, around 1800 BC.

2nd photo

This is a Dolmen.
It’s the burial structure of the Bronze Age
There are 240 Dolméns in Gorafe
The largest concentration of Spain

   3rd photo
Iberian culture: IV century BC
Ancient city of  Basti. Necropolis Cerro del Santuario, polychrome sculpture of a lady sitting on a winged (alado) throne.

¿Que os parece un poquito de lo que hemos sido?

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